Shareholders and investors

Shareholding structure

As at December 31st 2020, the share capital of PGNiG was approximately PLN 5.78bn.

Shareholding structure at the end of 2020

Shareholders Number of shares/voting rights as at December 31st 2019 Ownership/voting interest as at December 31st 2019 Change in 2020 Number of shares/voting rights as at December 31st 2020 Ownership/voting interest as at December
31st 2020
State Treasury 4,153,706,157 71.88% 4,153,706,157 71.88%
Others, including: 1,624,608,700 28.12% 1,624,608,700 28.12%
– OFE1) 612,178,537 10.59% +58,068,390 670,246,927 11.60%
Total 5,778,314,857 100.00% 5,778,314,857 100.00%
1) Data based on OFEs’ annual asset structure statements as at December 30th 2020.

PGNiG is not aware of any agreements which could lead to future material changes in the equity interests held in the Company by its existing shareholders. In 2020, the Company did not acquire any of its own shares. For information on shares in PGNiG and its related companies held by members of the Management and Supervisory Boards, see here.

Shareholding structure comparison


Percentage of PGNiG share capital held by Polish institutional investors at year end 2020

Source: In-house analysis based on data as at December 31st 2020 from Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.
* [%] interest in the PGNiG shareholding structure.

Price performance of the PGNiG shares

Since September 23rd 2005, the PGNiG shares have been listed in the continuous trading system of the main market on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The issue price per share in the Company’s public offering was PLN 2.98. In 2020, PGNiG shares were included in the following indices: WIG, WIG20, WIG30, WIG-Poland, WIG-ESG, WIGdiv, WIG-PALIWA sectoral index and WIG.MS-PET macrosectoral index.

In 2020, the annual rate of return on Company shares, net of dividend, was 24%. Over the same period, the sectoral index WIG PALIWA and the blue-chip index WIG20, yielded rates of return of -25% and -10%, respectively. The PGNiG share price movements ranged from -50% (the lowest closing price of PLN 2.22 on March 12th 2020) and +27% (the highest closing price of PLN 5.58 on December 11th 2020) from the 2020 average closing price of PLN 4.40. To compare, the range of movements of the WIG20 index was from -27% (year low of 1,305.73 points on March 12th 2020) to +23% (year high of 2,200.10 points on January 2nd 2020).

24 %

annual rate of return on Company’s shares net of dividend

PGNiG share price vs WIG20 and WIG-Paliwa

PGNiG share price vs WIG20 and WIG-Paliwa

Source: WSE – Warsaw Stock Exchange.
* Rebased to PGNiG share price.

Stock exchange indicators

PGNiG share data for 2017-2020

Key metrics Unit 2020 2019 2018 2017 2020/2019 change (%)
Net profit attributable to owners of the parent PLNm 7,340 1,371 3,209 2,923 435%
Earnings per share1 PLN 1.27 0.24 0.56 0.51 429%
Share price at the close of the last session of the year PLN 5.54 4.33 6.91 6.29 28%
Average stock price in the year2 PLN 4.40 5.59 6.12 6.33 (21%)
Number of shares outstanding million shares 5,778 5,778 5,778 5,778
Capitalisation at year end PLNm 32,023 25,019 39,928 36,346 28%
Average daily trading volume million shares 5.83 5.02 3.90 3.50 16%
Average daily trading value PLNm 24.45 27.62 24.20 21.70 (11%)
Dividend3 PLNm 520 1,040 1,156 (50%)
Stock ratios2
P/E at average share price 3.46 23.56 11.02 12.52 (85%)
P/E at year end 4.36 18.25 12.44 12.44 (76%)
P/BV at year end 0.73 0.66 1.09 1.08 11%
EV/EBITDA 2.69 5.22 5.58 5.59 (48%)
Dividend per share3 PLN 0.09 0.18 0.20 (50%)
Source: WSE
1) Attributable to holders of ordinary shares in the parent.
2) Share price at close.
3) Dividend from previous year's profit.
P/E at average share price = average share price in financial year / net earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent
P/E at year end = share price at close of trading on last session day in financial year / net earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent
P/E at year end = share price at close of trading on last session day in financial year / net earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent
EV/EBITDA = market capitalisation at close of trading on last session day in financial year + net debt at end of financial year / operating profit (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) in financial year + total depreciation and amortisation in financial year
Dividend per share = dividend for previous financial year / number of shares outstanding

Investor Relations

In 2020, in the performance of its disclosure obligations, PGNiG published 68 current reports, including reports on: amendments to the Yamal contract, trade contracts, acquisition processes, administrative decisions, as well as operating and financial results.

The Company held four public teleconferences (for analysts and investors) and press conferences following each release of its periodic reports. It also prepared an integrated report for 2019, presenting a wealth of information on the oil and gas market and the PGNiG Group growth initiatives. In 2020, representatives of PGNiG held close to 50 meetings with investors and stock analysts, mostly in the form of video conferences and investor conferences in Warsaw.

In October 2020 PGNiG received the 1st Grand Prize in „The Best Annual Report 2019” competition, distinctions for the Best Corporate Report in the “Manufacturers” category, as well as a distinction for the very strong progress in integrated reporting. As a result, the company joined the “Best of the Best” group of entities whose financial reporting is a benchmark and may serve as an example of good practices in communication with stakeholders. The competition was organised by the Institute of Accountancy and Taxes.

PGNiG was again recognised in the IR Excellence Programme – the PGNiG Investor Relations team received top marks in the survey organised by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.


Mar 16-17 2021
PKO BP – CEE Capital Markets Conference

Mar 25 2021
Issue of the annual raport for 2020


Apr 12-14 2021 
Raiffeisen – Virtual Zürs Institutional Investor Conference

May 20 2021 
Issue of the Q1 2021 report


Aug 19 2021
Issue of the H1 2021 report

Sep 06-07 2021
PKO BP – 18th Annual Emerging Europe Investment Conference

Sep 26-28 2021
PKO BP – Investor’s Day: CEE Metals & Energy


Nov 18 2021
Issue of the Q3 2021 report

Dec 7-10 2021
Wood&Company – WOOD’S
Winter Wonderland EME Conference

Dividend policy

The PGNiG Group’s Strategy for 2017–2022 provides for distribution of up to 50% of consolidated net profit as dividend, with the proviso that in recommending dividend payments the PGNiG Management Board must always take into account the PGNiG Group’s current financial condition and investment plans.

On June 24th 2020, the PGNiG General Meeting resolved to pay dividend for the financial year 2019, totalling PLN 520,048,337.13, i.e. PLN 0.09 per share. The dividend record date and the dividend payment date were set for July 20th 2020 and August 3rd 2020, respectively.

Dividend from net profits for 2014–2019

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Dividend for financial year (PLNbn) 0.52 1.04 1.16 1.06 1.18
Dividend per share (PLN) 0.09 0.18 0.20 0.18 0.20
Average annualised share price (PLN) 4.40 6.12 6.33 5.16 5.94 4.85
Dividend yield 2.05% 2.94% 3.88% 3.03% 4.12%

Since its IPO, PGNiG has paid a total dividend of PLN 1.08 per share. The absolute rate of return on the shares since the IPO, including dividends, was 122% as at the end of 2020.

PGNiG's share in the stock exchange indices

Quotations of the indices of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, which include PGNiG

Index (points) / share price (PLN) * Value
in 2020
in 2020
PGNiG’s share
in the indexes
WIG index 57,833 57,026 37,164 59,275 3.0%
WIG20 index 2,150 1,984 1,306 2,200 4.2%
WIG30 index 2,472 2,313 1,521 2,528 3.9%
WIG-fuels index 6,489 4,954 3,287 6,637 29.7%
WIGdiv index 1,051 1,102 688 1,102 10.8%
WIG-Poland index 59,064 58,271 37,908 60,510 3.1%
WIGESG index 9,980 9,324 6,338 10,201 2.0%**
PGN PW Equity 4.33 5.54 2.22 5.58


Source: WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange
* PGNiG share price and index values ​​at closing prices. The closing price does not include the so-called “Dividend rights cut off”.
**as at January 31, 2021
  • The WIG index is the first stock exchange index and has been calculated since April 16, 1991. The first value of the WIG index was 1000 points. Currently, WIG includes all companies listed on the WSE Main List that meet the basic criteria for participation in indices.
  • The WIG20 index has been calculated since April 16, 1994 on the basis of the value of the portfolio of shares in the 20 largest and most liquid companies on the WSE Main Market.
  • The WIG30 index has been published since September 23, 2013, based on the value of the portfolio of shares in the 30 largest and most liquid companies on the WSE Main Market.
  • The WIG-fuels index is a sector index which includes companies participating in the WIG index and at the same time classified to the „fuels and gas” sector. The index base date is December 31, 2005.
  • The WIGdiv index has been calculated since December 31, 2010, and on the base day the index value was 1000 points. The index portfolio includes companies that have regularly paid dividends over the last 5 financial years.
  • The WIG-Poland index (formerly WIG-PL) is the first national index calculated by the stock exchange since December 22, 2003. The index includes only shares of domestic companies listed on the WSE Main List that meet the basic criteria for participation in the indices.
  • The WIG.MS-PET index has been published since March 18, 2019, based on the value of the portfolio of shares in the 5 most liquid companies in the fuel, gas and chemical industries.
  • RESPECT Index published from November 19, 2009 to January 1, 2020, the stock exchange index of socially responsible companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The index included companies from the Warsaw Stock Exchange operating in accordance with the highest standards of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The aim of the project was to promote the highest management standards in public companies in the following aspects: economic, environmental and social.


The WIG-ESG index has been published since September 3, 2019, on the basis of the value of the portfolio of shares of companies considered socially responsible, i.e. those that comply with the principles of socially responsible business, in particular in the field of environmental (E) and social (E) issues. S – social / society) and corporate governance (G). WIG-ESG is a total return index, which means that its calculation takes into account both the prices of transactions concluded in it and dividend income.

WIG-ESG includes companies included in the WIG20 and mWIG40 indices, i.e. the largest companies listed on the WSE. The weights of companies in the index depend on the number of free float shares, adjusted on the basis of the ESG ranking and the assessment of the application of the principles of „Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2016”. Additionally, the share of one company in the index is limited to 10%, while the total share of companies, each of which exceeds 5%, is limited to 40%. Index information is provided every minute from session start to session end.

The ESG ranking of companies is one of the criteria for determining weights in the index, which is derived from the reports of Sustainalytics. Sustainalytics, an international company specializing in the provision of ESG services, determines company scoring based on publicly available information published by companies. Data such as: annual reports of companies, reports containing non-financial data, information provided on websites are analyzed. The Sustainalytics methodology assesses ESG risk, i.e. measures the industry’s exposure to specific risks related to ESG criteria and assesses how the company manages these risks.

Based on the above analyzes, 60 companies are divided into five groups. Each of them is assigned a different weight, the so-called ESG coefficient, which ranges from 0.6 to 1.0. The coefficient of application of environmental, social and corporate governance factors for PGNiG was estimated at 0.6.

The shares of companies in the index also depend on the level of compliance with the corporate governance rules contained in the „Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2016”. Based on the published declarations of the companies in this regard, the Warsaw Stock Exchange assigns to the companies weights depending on the number of applied rules and the quality of the published declarations, ranging from 0.85 to 1.0.


Credit rating is an evaluation of the creditworthiness of a business entity or of the risk associated with various financial instruments. Credit ratings are assigned by credit rating agencies, which apply a rating scale with letter and number designations and plus or minus signs to adjust the rating upwards or downwards.

PGNiG received two rating outlooks listed below:

Agency* Rating Outlook Date of the last update Link
Fitch Ratings BBB stabilna 20.05.2021 Press article
Moody’s Investors Service Baa2 stabilna 22.07.2020 Press article

„Baa2”, outlook „stable” from 26.06.2019
„Baa3”, outlook „stable” from 16.05.2017
„Baa3”, outlook „stable” from 12.02.2016
„Baa3”, outlook „stable” from 30.09.2014
„Baa2”, outlook „negative” from 20.11.2012
„Baa1”, outlook „negative”
„Baa1”, outlook„ stable”
* The company’s rating „BBB-” with a „stable” outlook due to the termination of the rating agreement by PGNiG on January 29, 2016, was withdrawn by Standard & Poor’s.

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