Segment’s figures

Volumes of regulated sales outside the PGNiG Group of heat (TJ) and total electricity from own production (GWh)

(TJ) 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Total heat sales volumes from own generation sources 38,940 39,263 40,659 42,611 39,527
at PGNiG TERMIKA 36,495 36,880 38,290 40,037 38,780
at PGNiG TERMIKA EP* 2,445 2,383 2,369 2,574 747
Total electricity sales volumes from own generation sources 3,638 3,948 3,974 3,882 3,604
at PGNiG TERMIKA 3,202 3,493 3,535 3,593 3,466
at PGNiG TERMIKA EP* 436 455 439 289 138
* The data for 2016 represents sales volumes generated by PEC and SEJ. As of 2017, the data represents sales volumes generated by PGNiG TERMIKA EP (which comprises PEC and SEJ).

Maximum capacity by licence / plant / branch

Generating unit Heat [MW] Electricity [MW] Cooling [MW] Compressed air capacity [‘000 m3/h]
PGNiG TERMIKA 4,346 1,015
Siekierki CHP plant 2,068 620
Żerań CHPP* 1,300 386
Pruszków CHP plant 164 9
Kawęczyn heat plant 465
Wola heat plant 349
PGNiG TERMIKA EP 773 185 17 240
Zofiówka Branch 279 113 117
Moszczenica Branch 4 2
Pniówek Branch 121 39
Suszec Branch (Suszec site) 72 14 17 123
Suszec Branch (Częstochowa site) 38 11
Wodzisław Branch (Wodzisław Śląski site) 3 3
Wodzisław Branch (Niewiadom site) 55 2
Racibórz Branch (Racibórz site) 3
Racibórz Branch (Kuźnia Raciborska site) 87
Żory Branch (Żory site) 4
Żory Branch (Czerwionka-Leszczyny site) 87
Distribution Office 15
* In EC Żerań permanent withdrawal of four coal-fired water boilers WP120 (9, 10, 11, 12) for decommissioning to adapt the plant to the new emission requirements; change of heat generation licence to include decommissioning of K9, K10 – pending at URE (the licence approved by the decision of December 7th 2018 continues in force); three gas-fired water boilers of 130 MW each in the process of commissioning.

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