Manufacturing capital

We define manufacturing capital as the property, plant and equipment used by the PGNiG Group to conduct its business. The key items of the Group’s property, plant and equipment are buildings and structures and plant and equipment, mainly that associated with exploration for and production of natural gas and crude oil and with gas trading, storage and distribution.

Key metrics:

JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.12Pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment by na­tu­re (PLNm)202020192018010 00020 00030 00040 000
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.12Vehicles and other Land Tangible exploration and evaluation assets under construction Other tangible assets under construction Technical devices and machines Buildings and structures
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.12Pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment by seg­ment (PLNm)2020201920180
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.12Exploration and Production Trade and Storage Distribution Generation Other Segments Reconciliation with the consolidated data
JavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.1234,2366,012-2,565-322-2592,56833240,0025,979-2,84-1,56-1981,18242,565Mo­ve­ments in pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment in 2020 (PLNm)Net carrying amount as at Dec 31 2018Acquisitions/disposalDepreciation and amortisation expenseTotal change in inpairment losses in the periodCost of dry wells and seismic surveys written-offIFRS 16 adjustmentOtherNet carrying amount as at Dec 31 2019Acquisitions/disposalDepreciation and amortisation expenseTotal change in inpairment losses in the periodCost of dry wells and seismic surveys written-offOtherNet carrying amount as at Dec 31 2020010,00020,00030,00040,00050,000

Explo­ra­tion and Pro­duc­tion:


num­ber of oil and gas extrac­tion
fa­ci­li­ties in Po­land (2019: 54)


num­ber of pro­duc­tion
li­cen­ces in Po­land (2019: 190)


num­ber of pro­duc­tion wells
(2019: over 2,000)


num­ber of li­cen­ces for
explo­ra­tion for and ap­pra­isal
of mi­ne­ral de­po­sits in Po­land
(2019: 47)


num­ber of li­cen­ces on the Nor­we­gian Con­ti­nen­tal Shelf (2019: 29)


num­ber of co­un­tries in which
the Com­pa­ny has pro­duc­tion ope­ra­tions
(2019: 3)


num­ber of L gro­up gas sto­ra­ge fa­ci­li­ties (Da­sze­wo and Bo­ni­ko­wo un­der­gro­und gas sto­ra­ge fa­ci­li­ties) with a to­tal ca­pa­ci­ty of 0.26 bcm (2019: 0.26 bcm)

Tra­de and Sto­ra­ge:

7 – un­der­gro­und gas sto­ra­ge fa­ci­li­ties, lo­ca­ted in Brzeź­ni­ca, Hu­sów, Mo­gil­no, Stra­cho­ci­na, Swa­rzów, Wierz­cho­wi­ce and Ko­sa­ko­wo, with a to­tal ca­pa­ci­ty of 3.1 bcm (2018: 3.1 bc)


191 km

length of PGNiG Gro­up’s own ne­twork, in­c­lu­ding se­rvi­ce li­nes (2019: 191,000 km)


num­ber of mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties con­nec­ted to the gas ne­twork (2019: 1,595)



generating units (2019: 17)

5.2 GW

thermal power (2019: 5.1 GW)

1.2 GW

electric power (2019: 1.2 GW)

70 %

es­ti­ma­ted per­cen­ta­ge of he­at de­mand in the War­saw mar­ket co­ve­red by the PGNiG TERMIKA Gro­up

65 %

es­ti­ma­ted per­cen­ta­ge of elec­tri­ci­ty de­mand in the War­saw mar­ket co­ve­red by the PGNiG TERMIKA Gro­up


Explo­ra­tion and Pro­duc­tion:

1.3 mln ton

wydobycie ropy naftowej
i kondensatu NGL
(2019: 1,2 mln ton)

4.5 bcm

na­tu­ral gas pro­duc­tion
(2019: 4.5 mld m3)

Tra­de and Sto­ra­ge:

30.7 bcm

na­tu­ral gas sa­les by vo­lu­me (in­c­lu­ding trans­ac­tions on the Po­lish Po­wer Exchan­ge) (2019: 29.8 bcm)

14.8 bcm

na­tu­ral gas im­ports by vo­lu­me (2019: 14,9 bcm)


11.6 bcm

di­stri­bu­ted gas by vo­lu­me (2019: 11.5 bcm)

18.1 bcm

es­ti­ma­ted vo­lu­me of gas fu­el trans­mit­ted over the ne­twork, ac­cor­ding to GAZ Sy­stem (2019:18,9 bcm)

7.3 m

number of customers
(2019: 7,1 mln)


38.4 PJ

heat output (2019: 39.3 PJ)

3.6 TWh

electricity output (2019: 3.9 TWh)

Our ap­pro­ach to per­for­man­ce ma­na­ge­ment?

Exploration and production

2,557 m

a­pi­tal expen­di­tu­re on pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment in 2020 (2019: PLN 2,508m)

1,707 m

ca­pi­tal expen­di­tu­re on pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment abro­ad in 2020 (2019: PLN1,554 m)

Trade and Storage

90 mln zł – ca­pi­tal expen­di­tu­re on pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment in 2020 (2019: PLN 159m)

Continuation of the building of Cluster B chamber at CGSF Kosakowo for additional working capacity.


PLN 2,945m – ca­pi­tal expen­di­tu­re on pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment in 2019, in­c­lu­ding spen­ding on gas ne­twork expan­sion and upgra­de pro­jects (2019: PLN 2,278m)


PLN 1,076m – ca­pi­tal expen­di­tu­re on pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment in 2020, in­c­lu­ding PLN 500m of CO₂ re­la­ted spen­ding (2019: PLN 493m)

Con­struc­tion of a ca. 450 MW CCGT unit at the Że­rań CHP plant (Że­rań CCGT)

Con­struc­tion of a ca. 450 MW CCGT unit at the Sta­lo­wa Wo­la CHP plant (ECSW)

Agreement of intent with PKN Orlen regarding cooperation in the construction of a gas-fired power unit at CCGT Ostrołęka

Up­gra­de of the Prusz­ków CHP plant

Construction of a photovoltaic installation in C Kawęczyn

Inve­st­ments re­la­ted to ad­ap­ting ge­ne­ra­tion plant and equ­ip­ment to BAT (Best Ava­ila­ble Tech­ni­qu­es) re­qu­ire­ments

Data at: December 31 2020.

How do­es ma­nu­fac­tu­ring ca­pi­tal af­fect other
ty­pes of ca­pi­tal?

One of the key directions of innovation development at the PGNiG Group is increasing the efficiency of production assets managed by individual companies. Innovators and startups contribute to ensuring the dynamic development of the PGNiG Group by providing inspiration for innovative projects in line with global trends, the implementation of which would not be possible without access to the assets of the PGNiG Group, which enable experts to conduct tests and pilot implementations in production conditions. Thanks to this, the process of technology development, the culmination of which is commercialization, is much faster.

The PGNiG Gro­up stri­ves to bu­ild a cul­tu­re of em­ploy­ee en­ga­ge­ment and dri­ve in­no­va­tion. In the ca­se of ener­gy com­pa­nies, the pro­blem of ge­ne­ra­tion gap is be­co­ming in­cre­asin­gly wi­de­spre­ad. De­spi­te ad­van­cing au­to­ma­tion, the ef­fi­cien­cy of pro­duc­tion as­sets re­ma­ins hu­ge­ly de­pen­dent on the ava­ila­bi­li­ty of com­pe­tent and well qu­ali­fied tech­ni­cal per­son­nel.

PGNiG ta­kes me­asu­res to re­cru­it hi­gh­ly qu­ali­fied staff and ma­na­ge ge­ne­ra­tion gap thro­ugh pro­jects such as:

  • ‘GeoTalent’ – an educational and internship programme targeted at students interested in future career in the E&P industry. The programme is meant to enhance the students’ theoretical knowledge and develop hands-on skills in hydrocarbon exploration, appraisal, and production from conventional and unconventional sources.
  • ‘Energy for the Future’ – 2019 saw the fourth edition of the scholarship programme run by the Ministry of Energy, the PGNiG Group, PGE, PKN ORLEN and PSE. Its objective is to seek out the best university students and graduates to reinforce staffing in the industry.
  • Mentoring Program – in 2019, a pilot initiative was carried out, the purpose of which is to share professional experience and distribute substantive knowledge from employees who are experts in their field and with many years of experience to employees who do not have such knowledge.

In­te­rac­tions be­twe­en na­tu­ral ca­pi­tal and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring ca­pi­tal may be ana­ly­sed on se­ve­ral le­vels:

  • in the Exploration and Production segment, the Group must have at its disposal equipment and technologies enabling hydrocarbons to be obtained from various deposits – including small and unconventional deposits. In 2020, the hydrogen competence development program was launched at the PGNiG Group.
  • The Generation segment is largely based on coal assets. The Group is modernizing the existing capacity in accordance with BAT requirements. New investment projects will be based primarily on gas – a fuel with a much lower impact on the natural environment.

Pro­per­ty, plant and equ­ip­ment are the lar­gest com­po­nent of the PGNiG Gro­up’s as­sets. As at De­cem­ber 31st 2020, the­ir va­lue re­ached PLN 42,565m. Inve­st­ments in pro­duc­tion as­sets re­qu­ire the use of exter­nal fun­ding ra­ised in the fi­nan­cial mar­ket or in­ter­nal funds held by the Gro­up. In li­ne with the PGNiG Gro­up’s Stra­te­gy ad­op­ted in March 2017, to­tal CAPEX will exce­ed PLN 34bn in 2017-2022, whi­le ave­ra­ge an­nu­al ca­pi­tal expen­di­tu­re in 2017−2022 will amo­unt to ca. PLN 5.7bn:

  • of which almost a half (45%) will be spent on hydrocarbon exploration and production,
  • almost 30% of capital expenditure will be spent on developing the distribution business,
  • ca. 13% − on power and heat generation projects,
  • additionally, ca. 12% of CAPEX will be allocated to other, selected growth projects offering attractive returns, including in distribution, trading, power and heat generation.

One of the new strategic areas of the PGNiG Group is the activity in the segment of renewable energy sources. About PLN 4 billion will be allocated to the construction of the RES segment.

In 2020, the capital expenditure of the PGNiG Group on property, plant and equipment amounted to approximately PLN 6.8bn, 2% higher than the expenditure incurred in 2019.

Investments in assets are aimed – in the medium and long term – at increasing the efficiency and scale of the Group’s operations. In line with the PGNiG Group’s strategy in force for 2017-2022 with an outlook until 2026, the investment program is to generate a cumulative Group EBITDA of approximately PLN 33.7 billion in 2017-2022 and a prospective increase in the Group’s EBITDA to an average annual level of approximately PLN 9.2 billion in the years 2023-2026.

The Gro­up’s ope­ra­tions and the lo­ca­tion of its pro­duc­tion as­sets ha­ve a di­rect be­aring on the li­ving con­di­tions and de­ve­lop­ment of en­tre­pre­neur­ship across all re­gions of Po­land.

  • Ma­ny in­du­stries re­ly on gas as one of the­ir key fe­ed­stocks, and the ac­cess to ‘blue fu­el’ sti­mu­la­tes eco­no­mic growth;
  • The gas sec­tor is one of the co­un­try­’s ma­jor em­ploy­ers. The clo­se­ness and con­ti­nu­ing expan­sion of PGNi­G’s pro­duc­tion as­sets gu­aran­te­es fi­nan­cial sta­bi­li­ty to ne­ar­ly 25,000 em­ploy­ees and the­ir fa­mi­lies;
  • The re­gio­nal pre­sen­ce of PGNi­G’s pro­duc­tion as­sets is al­so a so­ur­ce of ta­xes for mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties and an op­por­tu­ni­ty to ta­ke ad­van­ta­ge of CSR and spon­sor­ship pro­jects run by Gro­up com­pa­nies.

By en­ga­ging in the an­ti­-smog cam­pa­ign, the PGNiG Gro­up pro­mo­tes na­tu­ral gas as a so­ur­ce of ener­gy. The pro­-e­co­lo­gi­cal of­fer of the PGNiG Gro­up for cu­sto­mers, sup­por­ting envi­ron­men­tal is­su­es, in­c­lu­ded:

  • deliveries of ecological CNG/ LNG fuel for public transport companies and companies from the municipal sector;
  • construction of CNG and LNG refueling stations;
  • eBOK / EKOfaktura encouraging through numerous campaigns promoting the use of electronic invoices instead of paper invoices.

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