Innovation capital

We define innovation capital as knowledge-based intangible assets.

Inve­st­ments in in­no­va­tion and ad­van­ced so­lu­tions dri­ve ope­ra­tio­nal ef­fi­cien­cy, con­tri­bu­te to the growth of the PGNiG Gro­up’s bu­si­ness po­ten­tial and help ad­dress new chal­len­ges as­so­cia­ted with envi­ron­men­tal im­pacts and cli­ma­te. The PGNiG Gro­up’s prio­ri­ties are to fo­ster col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve part­ner­ships with the scien­ti­fic com­mu­ni­ty and to sup­port and spur growth of small and me­diu­m-si­zed en­ter­pri­ses, star­t-ups in par­ti­cu­lar.

Key metrics:

  • Hydrogen Program “Hydrogen – a Clean Fuel for the Future. Building hydrogen competences at the PGNiG Group ”- starting the implementation (pilot / demonstration) of hydrogen technologies in individual areas of the PGNiG Group’s operations, including in particular: distribution, storage and production.
  • InGrid P2G, New Fuel Lab, Hydra Tank, H2020 – the most important projects implemented under the Hydrogen Program
  • AQUA, BIOCNG, INGA SYNERGIA, INGA INNKARP, INGA DME, INGA AMMUSCB – the most important R & D & I projects implemented outside the Hydrogen Program
  • Renewable energy sources – commencement of implementation of the business model assuming PGNiG’s entry into the area of ​​the prosumer photovoltaic market in Poland, construction and commissioning of the first photovoltaic installation on PGNiG’s real estate, inventory of roofs and own land that meet the criteria for the construction of photovoltaic installations and farms at the PGNiG Group, development of a concept for the development of large-area photovoltaic farm projects, analysis and commencement of selected acquisition processes in the field of ready-to-build and operational wind farms.
  • Alternative Fuels – searching for new directions of business development, with particular emphasis on the use of LNG, bioLNG and CNG bunkering
  • Energetic efficiency – updating the documentation of the Energy Management System to the requirements of ISO: 50001: 2018, obtaining a certificate of compliance with ISO: 50001: 2011
  • InnVento Startup Center – supporting the development of startups in the energy industry and joint search for new technological solutions
  • The INGA Joint Venture (Innovative Gas Industry) – increasing the innovativeness and competitiveness of the PGNiG Group’s enterprises in Poland and on the global market in the long term, through the implementation of research and development projects focused on commercialization and cooperation with scientific units



in­no­va­tion pro­jects im­ple­men­ted in 2020 with the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of the PGNiG Gro­up (121 pro­jects in 2019)

515 ca.

bud­get ear­mar­ked for in­no­va­tion pro­jects in 2019 (ca. PLN 400 in 2019)


new patent decisions
obtained in 2020 for applications
resulting from
ongoing R&D projects.

Our ap­pro­ach to per­for­man­ce ma­na­ge­ment:

  • Fostering a culture of innovation across the organisation to raise staff and management awareness with respect to innovation advancement, and undertaking efforts to maintain a network of collaboration with professional entities specialising in cooperation with start-ups and innovative companies
  • Continuation of the cycle of research and development activities related to a new potential business area, i.e. hydrogen technologies
  • Commercialization of successfully completed innovative and R&D projects

How do­es innovation ca­pi­tal af­fect other ty­pes of ca­pi­tal?

One of the key directions of innovation development at the PGNiG Group is increasing the efficiency of production assets managed by individual companies. In 2020, PGNiG started work on projects to use hydrogen in the energy and automotive sectors. He is investigating the possibility of storing and transporting hydrogen through the gas network. Hydrogen – Clean Fuel for the Future is a new comprehensive hydrogen program by PGNiG, which consists of several projects – from the production of „green hydrogen”, through its storage and distribution, to its use in industrial energy. In 2020, PGNiG also implemented the „Digital field” program – a tool that enables PGNiG to effectively use its oil and gas resources.

In re­spon­se to pre­sent chal­len­ges, PGNiG is lo­oking for new tech­no­lo­gi­cal so­lu­tions and sup­ports the work and pro­fes­sio­nal de­ve­lop­ment of in­no­va­tors. The Gro­up en­co­ura­ges and re­wards intra-Gro­up in­i­tia­ti­ves, but has al­so de­ve­lo­ped a sys­tem which ge­ne­ra­tes in­no­va­tion by tap­ping the po­ten­tial of hu­man re­so­ur­ces in aca­de­mic cen­tres and in other bu­si­nes­ses, in­c­lu­ding star­t-ups.

We sup­port new en­trants in the tech bu­si­ness, of­fe­ring the exper­ti­se, tech­ni­cal in­fra­struc­tu­re, of­fi­ce spa­ce, ad­mi­ni­stra­tion and ope­ra­tio­nal as­si­stan­ce (in­c­lu­ding in the field of law and eco­no­mics) as part of the In­nVen­to bu­si­ness in­cu­ba­tor pro­ject. Our se­rvi­ces are ba­sed on the exper­ti­se of our staff.

The Gro­up-wi­de Ta­lent Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Sy­stem se­rves to iden­ti­fy hi­gh-po­ten­tial em­ploy­ees to in­c­lu­de them in the Fu­tu­re Le­aders Aca­de­my pro­fes­sio­nal de­ve­lop­ment pro­gram­me, which pa­ves the way for ta­len­ted em­ploy­ees to as­su­me key func­tions wi­thin the or­ga­ni­sa­tion, in­c­lu­ding ma­na­ge­rial po­si­tions.

One of the key threads in the development of innovation in the Group are ecological technologies and products. PGNiG intends to become the national leader in hydrogen technologies. In 2020, PGNiG started work on projects to use hydrogen in the energy and automotive sectors. He is investigating the possibility of storing and transporting hydrogen through the gas network. Hydrogen – Clean Fuel for the Future is a new comprehensive hydrogen program by PGNiG, which consists of several projects – from the production of „green hydrogen”, through its storage and distribution, to its use in industrial energy. The program consists of several elements:

  • Hydra Tank project – research station for refueling vehicles with hydrogen,
  • InGrid – Power to Gas project – production of hydrogen using renewable energy. Investigation of the possibility of hydrogen transmission with the use of natural gas distribution networks,
  • New Fuel Lab – hydrogen purity analysis and research on alternative fuels,
  • Hydrogen storage – the use of underground gas storage facilities for hydrogen storage,
  • Power industry – the use of hydrogen in industrial power engineering.

The de­ve­lop­ment ac­ti­vi­ties mo­del which has be­en de­ploy­ed and fol­lo­wed at PGNIG SA is among the most exten­si­ve and up-to­-da­te R&D&I sys­tems cur­ren­tly in pla­ce at lar­ge Po­lish com­pa­nies. The so­lu­tions de­ve­lo­ped un­der the mo­del are de­si­gned to be com­mer­cia­li­sed as so­on as prac­ti­ca­ble, le­ading to tan­gi­ble fi­nan­cial ga­ins over the shor­t-, mi­d- and lon­g-term ho­ri­zon.

In 2020, a total 150 innovation projects worth approximately PLN 515m were underway at the PGNiG Group.

The Gro­up’s ma­in area of im­pact on its so­cial envi­ron­ment, in­vo­lving the use of its in­no­va­ti­ve ca­pi­tal, are edu­ca­tion and scien­ti­fic re­se­arch. The Com­pa­ny has part­ne­red with uni­ver­si­ties and vo­ca­tio­nal scho­ols to pre­pa­re hi­gh­ly qu­ali­fied hu­man re­so­ur­ces for it­self (so as to ma­na­ge the ge­ne­ra­tion gap) and works with part­ners in lar­ge re­se­arch and aca­de­mic cen­tres to fur­ther dri­ve in­no­va­tion.

As one of the very first companies in Poland, we tailored our training and recruitment system to bring it in line with the industrial doctorate programme. In addition, over the last ten years PGNiG Termika has partnered with secondary schools under the ‘We Encourage Learning’ programme, offering scholarships to the best students.

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