The Supervisory Board exercises ongoing supervision of the Company’s activities in all areas of its operations, and presents its opinions on all matters submitted by the Management Board for consideration to the General Meeting (GM). The powers and responsibilities of the Supervisory Board include in particular:
- Assessment of the Directors’ Report on the Company’s operations and of the financial statements for the preceding financial year, in terms of their consistency with the accounting books, supporting documentation, and the actual state of affairs;
- Assessment of the Management Board’s proposals concerning distribution of profit or coverage of loss;
- Submission to the GM of written reports on results of the activities referred to in items 1 and 2;
- Assessment of the consolidated financial statements with respect to their consistency with the accounting books, supporting documentation, and the actual state of affairs, as well as assessment of the Directors’ Report on the Group’s operations, and reporting to the GM on the results of these assessments;
- Appointment of an auditor to audit the financial statements;
- Approval of business plans, including investment plans;
- Approval of the strategy for the Company and the PGNiG Group and long-term strategic plans;
- Adoption of detailed rules governing the Supervisory Board’s operation;
- Approval of the consolidated text of the Articles of Association, drawn up by the Company’s Management Board;
- Approval of the Rules of Procedure for the Management Board;
- Appointment and removal of Management Board members;
- Definition of rules and amounts of remuneration for Management Board members, unless applicable mandatory provisions of law state otherwise.