Social capital

We define social capital as the ability to share, build strong relationships and cooperate with stakeholders.

Gi­ven the stra­te­gic im­por­tan­ce of the Gro­up’s pro­ducts, the Gro­up plays a par­ti­cu­lar­ly im­por­tant ro­le in the eve­ry­day li­fe of lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties. The na­tu­re, ope­ra­tio­nal sca­le and pre­sen­ce of in­fra­struc­tu­re for hy­dro­car­bon explo­ra­tion, pro­duc­tion, sto­ra­ge and di­stri­bu­tion ma­ke the PGNiG Gro­up de­eply com­mit­ted to bu­il­ding part­ner­ship re­la­tions with lo­cal com­mu­ni­ties and go­vern­ments, sup­pliers and con­trac­tors, with the ul­ti­ma­te go­al of pur­sing jo­int ob­jec­ti­ves. The PGNiG Gro­up cre­ates op­por­tu­ni­ties for co­ope­ra­tion and bu­ilds un­der­stan­ding for mu­tu­al re­la­tions and in­ter­de­pen­den­cies with in­di­vi­du­al sta­ke­hol­der gro­ups.

In 2020, the support for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which was implemented on two levels, became of particular importance. Within the Capital Group, the focus was on ensuring the safety of employees and business continuity, which is synonymous with ensuring the reliability of gas, electricity and other services. In the external environment, the Group supported local communities by providing material and financial assistance to health and care institutions. The beneficiaries were social welfare homes, hospices and organizations supporting veterans.

Key metrics:

  • Increasing customer satisfaction by improving service quality and investing in advanced digital communications solutions and tools that meet the needs of various customer groups.
  • Be Like Ignacy – an original programme created by PGNiG and the PGNiG Foundation that promotes science among primary school students and familiarises the youngest generation with Ignacy Łukasiewicz and other outstanding Polish scientists
  • The Group provided assistance in the fight against the pandemic under the slogan „PGNiG jesteśmy blisko Ciebie”.
  • In the pandemic era, the companies of the PGNiG Group are developing online means of communication, enabling 100% customer service without direct contact.
  • Support for gas industry museums in Warsaw (by PGNiG), Paczków (by PSG) and the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Oil and Gas Industry Museum in Bóbrka (PGNiG and the PGNiG Foundation)


20 m people

estimated number of beneficiaries of social programmes by PGNiG Group including PGNiG Foundation is a result of specific year in which all of the activities were devotede to fight against pandemic

408 participans

of „Rachunek Wdzięczności PGNiG” programme supporting veterans fighting in Warsaw Uprising and or veterans of Defence War in 1939

550 initiatives

in­i­tia­ti­ves re­ce­ived sup­port
from Gro­up com­pa­nies and the
PGNiG Fo­un­da­tion in 2020
(over 500 in 2019)

20 m people

estimated number of beneficiaries of social programmes by PGNiG Group including PGNiG Foundation is a result of specific year in which all of the activities were devotede to fight against pandemic

408 participans

of „Rachunek Wdzięczności PGNiG” programme supporting veterans fighting in Warsaw Uprising and or veterans of Defence War in 1939

550 initiatives

in­i­tia­ti­ves re­ce­ived sup­port
from Gro­up com­pa­nies and the
PGNiG Fo­un­da­tion in 2020
(over 500 in 2019)

20 m people

estimated number of beneficiaries of social programmes by PGNiG Group including PGNiG Foundation is a result of specific year in which all of the activities were devotede to fight against pandemic

408 participans

of „Rachunek Wdzięczności PGNiG” programme supporting veterans fighting in Warsaw Uprising and or veterans of Defence War in 1939

550 initiatives

in­i­tia­ti­ves re­ce­ived sup­port
from Gro­up com­pa­nies and the
PGNiG Fo­un­da­tion in 2020
(over 500 in 2019)

Such a large number of beneficiaries is attributable to the fact that 2020 was a specific year, when most activities were devoted to combating the pandemic. In 2019, the number of beneficiaries of the Group’s support and social projects was estimated at over 365 thousand.

Since the project’s inception, PGNiG OD and the PGNiG Foundation have paid out almost PLN 920 thousand to the veterans. The project also covers 688 hero miners who went on strike at the Wujek coal mine on December 16th 1981 – the total co-financing for their gas bills exceeds PLN 905 thousand.

Our ap­pro­ach to per­for­man­ce ma­na­ge­ment?

  • The PGNiG Group engages with local communities also through its charitable giving initiatives, run mainly by the PGNiG Ignacy Łukasiewicz Foundation
  • We implement strategic long-term community outreach programmes through the Foundation and PGNiG Group companies – support in fight against pandemic
  • We use social dialogue as a means of communication to help our stakeholders understand what we do
  • Good Neighbour – we strive to identify the needs and expectations of our local communities on a regular basis. Before setting up a new location, we meet with the local authorities to explain the purpose and scope of work associated with the planned project

How do­es so­cial ca­pi­tal af­fect other ty­pes of ca­pi­tal?

The Gro­up’s ma­in area of im­pact on its so­cial envi­ron­ment, in­vo­lving the use of its in­tel­lec­tu­al ca­pi­tal, are edu­ca­tion and scien­ti­fic re­se­arch. The Com­pa­ny has part­ne­red with uni­ver­si­ties and vo­ca­tio­nal scho­ols to pre­pa­re hi­gh­ly qu­ali­fied hu­man re­so­ur­ces for it­self (so as to ma­na­ge the ge­ne­ra­tion gap) and works with part­ners in lar­ge re­se­arch and aca­de­mic cen­tres to fur­ther dri­ve in­no­va­tion.

Due to ge­ne­ra­tio­nal chan­ges and the re­la­ted fe­ar of lo­sing the know­led­ge po­sses­sed by expe­rien­ced em­ploy­ees, in 2019 a pi­lot of the Men­to­ring Pro­gram was in­tro­du­ced at PGNiG. The aim of the in­i­tia­ti­ve is to sha­re pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rien­ce and di­stri­bu­te sub­stan­ti­ve know­led­ge from em­ploy­ees with ma­ny years of expe­rien­ce to em­ploy­ees who do not ha­ve expert know­led­ge.

As one of the very first companies in Poland, we tailored our training and recruitment system to bring it in line with the industrial doctorate programme. In addition, over the last ten years PGNiG Termika has partnered with secondary schools under the ‘We Encourage Learning’ programme, offering scholarships to the best students.

The Group is deeply committed to building partnering relations with its social environment, local governments, suppliers and contractors, with the ultimate goal of pursing joint objectives. Our employees are PGNiG’s informal ambassadors in contacts with third parties. Their direct involvement in local initiatives and membership of work councils or trade unions directly supports further development of our social environment.

Supporting the fight against the pandemic of local communities by providing material and financial assistance to health facilities and care institutions from the Group’s environment and ensuring the continuity of the Group’s work by ensuring the safety of employees.

As part of its production operations in Poland and abroad, the Company engages in social dialogue with local communities, experts and environmental organisations, as access to hydrocarbon deposits often depends on their acceptance. The PGNiG Group is firmly committed to building strong partnership-based relations with local communities, public authorities, suppliers and contractors in the pursuit of common goals.

The Gro­up is de­eply com­mit­ted to bu­il­ding part­ne­ring re­la­tions with its so­cial envi­ron­ment, lo­cal go­vern­ments, sup­pliers and con­trac­tors, with the ul­ti­ma­te go­al of pur­sing jo­int ob­jec­ti­ves. Ac­cep­tan­ce for our in­ve­st­ment plans in Po­land hin­ges, in­ter alia, on po­si­ti­ve re­la­tions with our sta­ke­hol­ders.

The Gro­up sup­ports CSR and lo­cal in­i­tia­ti­ves thro­ugh:

  • Sponsorship activities,
  • Projects implemented through the PGNiG Foundation.

In 2020, the PGNiG Gro­up com­pa­nies and the PGNiG Fo­un­da­tion pro­vi­ded sup­port to over 550 in­i­tia­ti­ves and events, com­pa­red with over 500 in 2019. A large portion of them was related to the support of the fight against the pandemic.

The Gro­up’s ope­ra­tions and the lo­ca­tion of its pro­duc­tion as­sets ha­ve a di­rect be­aring on the li­ving con­di­tions and de­ve­lop­ment of en­tre­pre­neur­ship across all re­gions of Po­land.

  • Many industries rely on gas as one of their key feedstocks, and the access to ‘blue fuel’ stimulates economic growth;
  • The gas sector is one of the country’s major employers. The closeness and continuing expansion of PGNiG’s production assets guarantees financial stability to nearly 25,000 employees and their families;
  • The regional presence of PGNiG’s production assets is also a source of taxes for municipalities and an opportunity to take advantage of CSR and sponsorship projects run by Group companies.

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