GRI 102-55
Table of non-financial indicators - GRI Standards
Indicator | GRI Guidelines | Position in the Report / Comments | Link |
General Standard Disclosure |
Organizational Profile |
GRI 102-1 | Name of the organization | PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model | About PGNiG Group |
GRI 102-2 | Description of the organization’s activities, brands, products, and services | PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model | About PGNiG Group |
GRI 102-3 | Location of the organization’s headquarters | PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model | About PGNiG Group |
GRI 102-4 | Location of operations | PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model | About PGNiG Group |
GRI 102-5 | Nature of ownership and legal form | PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model | About PGNiG Group |
GRI 102-6 | Markets served | Structure of the PGNiG Group’s operations | About PGNiG Group |
GRI 102-7 | Scale of the organization | Structure of the PGNiG Group’s operations | Buisness model |
GRI 102-8 (SOC-5/C2) |
Information on employees and other workers | Employment | Employment |
GRI 102-9 | The organization’s supply chain | PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model | Buisness model |
GRI 102-10 | Significant changes to the organization’s size, structure, ownership, or supply chain in the reporting period | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-11 (GOV-2/A1) |
Whether and how the organization applies the Precautionary Principle or approach | Non-financial risk monitoring and management | Risk management at the PGNiG Group |
Due diligence policies and procedures |
Due diligence policies and procedures |
GRI 102-12 | External initiatives endorsed by the organization | Organisations and associations | Initiatives and membership |
PGNiG Group’s sustainable development strategy | CSR Strategy | ||
GRI 102-13 | Membership of associations | Organisations and associations | Initiatives and membership |
Strategy | |||
GRI 102-14 | Statement from senior decision-maker | Letter from the CEO | Letter from the CEO |
GRI 102-15 (GOV-1/C3; (GOV-2/A2) |
A description of key impacts and risks | Risk management | Risk management at the PGNiG Group |
Ethics and Integrity | |||
GRI 102-16 (GOV-1/C2; (SOC-1/C1) |
Values, principles, code of ethics, standards, and norms of behavior | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
Due diligence policies and procedures | Ethics | ||
GRI 102-17 (GOV-1/C4) (GOV-3/C1) |
Ethical standards and norms | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
Due diligence policies and procedures | Ethics | ||
Governance | |||
GRI 102-18 (GOV-1/C1) |
Governance structure | Management and supervisory bodies | Management Board |
GRI 102-22 (GOV-1/A1) |
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees (number and gender of members) | Management and supervisory bodies | Management Board |
Stakeholder engagement | |||
GRI 102-40 | A list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization | PGNiG Group stakeholders | Our stakeholders |
GRI 102-41 | Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements | Employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement | Employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement |
GRI 102-42 | Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders | PGNiG Group stakeholders | Our stakeholders |
GRI 102-43 | Approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group | PGNiG Group stakeholders | Our stakeholders |
GRI 102-44 | Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders | PGNiG Group stakeholders | Our stakeholders |
Reporting practice | |||
GRI 102-45 | Entities included in the report | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-46 | Defining report content | Methodology and reporting rules | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-47 | Material topics identified in defining report content | List of material topics | Analysis & significance matrix |
GRI 102-48 | Restatements of information given in previous report | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-49 | Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the list of material topics and topic boundaries | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-50 | Reporting period | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-51 | Date of most recent report | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-52 | Reporting cycle | Legal basis and scope | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-53 | Contact point for questions regarding the report | Contact | Contact |
GRI 102-54 | Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards | Methodology and reporting rules | Information about the Report |
GRI 102-55 | GRI content index | Tables of non-financial indicators (GRI Standards, IPIECA, Group’s own indicators) | Tables of ESG indicators |
GRI 102-56 | External assurance | Methodology and reporting rules | Information about the Report |
Management approach | |||
GRI 103-1 | Scope and materiality of defined topics | Overview of environmental aspects | Introduction |
Overview of social aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of employee aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics | ||
GRI 103-2 (GOV-3/C1) (GOV-3/C3) (SOC-1/C1) |
Management approach | Mission and vision | Mission and vision |
Non-financial risk monitoring and management | Risk management at the PGNiG Group | ||
System supporting management decisions | System supporting management decisions | ||
Overview of environmental aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of social aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of employee aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics | ||
GRI 103-3 | Evaluation of the management approach | Overview of environmental aspects | Introduction |
Overview of social aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of employee aspects | Introduction | ||
Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics | ||
Economic | |||
Anti-corruption | |||
GRI 205-1 | Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption and Significant risks identified | Risk of corruption | Ethics |
GRI 205-2 | Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures | Anit-corruption training | Ethics |
GRI 205-3 | Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken | Corruption-related reporting | Ethics |
Environmental | |||
Environmental issues | |||
GRI 301-1 | Raw materials and consumables used | Raw materials and consumables used | Raw materials and consumables used |
GRI 302-1 (CCE-6/C1) |
Energy consumption within the organisation | Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group | Energy consumption |
GRI 302-2 (CCE-6/C2) |
Energy consumption outside of the organisation | Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group | Energy consumption |
Company indicator 1 | Water consumption | Water consumption at the PGNiG Group | Water consumption |
GRI 304-2 (ENV-4/C1) |
Impacts on biodiversity | Impact on biodiversity | Biodiversity |
GRI 305-1 (CCE-4/C1) |
Air emissions (scope 1) | Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) | GHG emissions |
GRI 305-7 (ENV-5/C1) |
Air emissions | GHG reduction | GHG emissions |
Company indicator 2 | Total water discharge | Total water discharge by quality and destination | Sewage |
Company indicator 3 (ENV-7/C3) |
Waste generated by the organisation and disposal method | Waste management | Waste management |
GRI 306-3 (ENV-6/C1) |
Events with environmental impacts | Environmental events | Environmental events and penalties |
GRI 307-1 | Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | Penalties for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations | Environmental events and penalties |
Employee topics | |||
Employee issues | |||
GRI 401-1 (SOC-6/A1) |
Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region | Employees turnover | Employee turnover |
GRI 401-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation | Remuneration and benefits policy | Remuneration and benefits policy |
GRI 401-3 | Return to work and retention rates of employees that took parental leave, by gender | Parental leave | Parental leave |
Company indicator 4 (SHS-3/C1) |
Type of injuries and rates of injuries, occupational diseases, lost days, days away from work, work-related fatalities, by region and gender | Number of accidents at work at the PGNiG Group | Work safety metrics |
Company indicator 5 | Occupational diseases | Diagnosed occupational diseases | Work safety metrics |
Company indicator 6 | OHS training and meetings | OHS- related initiatives | OHS-related initiatives |
GRI 404-1 (SOC-7/C2) |
Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and by employee category | Number of training hours | Number of training hours |
GRI 404-2 | Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings | Management and succession programmes | Management and succession programmes |
GRI 404-3 (SOC-6/C1) |
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category | Performance assessment | Competence assessment |
Human rights | |||
GRI 405-1 (SOC-5/C3) |
Diversity of governance bodies and employees | Employment | Employment |
GRI 406-1 | Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken | Total number of incidents of discrimination | Ethics |
GRI 412-2 | Employee training in human rights policies or procedures | Human rights training | Ethics |
Social issues | |||
Company indicator 7 | Number of beneficiaries of social programmes | Selected social performance indicators | Number of social projects and their beneficiaries |
Company indicator 8 | Number of supported initiatives and events | Selected social performance indicators | Number of social projects and their beneficiaries |
Table of non-financial indicators - IPIECA
Indicator | Guidelines | Position in the Report / Comments | Link |
Ethics and management | |||
GOV-1/C1 (GRI 102-18) |
Governance architecture, including the role of the board, board committees, board diversity, executives, managers, the workforce and stakeholders | Management and supervisory bodies | Management Board |
GOV-1/A1 (GRI 102-22) |
Composition of the board and executive team, including selection processes, areas of expertise, diversity and length of terms | Management and supervisory bodies | Management Board |
GOV-1/C2 (GRI-102-16) |
Kode of conduct, values and principles and how they relate to sustainability | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
GOV-1/C3 (GRI 102-15) |
The way in which the board reviews sustainability issues, including risks and opportunities, supported by examples of their work in action | Non-financial risk monitoring and management | Risk management at the PGNiG Group |
GOV-1/C4 (GRI 102-17) |
Corporate policies that address sustainability issues | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
Due diligence policies and procedures | Ethics | ||
GOV-1/A7 | Training and other processes that inform your workforce about your code of conduct requirements or equivalent rules related to business ethics and behaviour | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
GOV-2/A1 (GRI 102-11) |
Management of sustainable development issues, including ethics and compliance | Non-financial risk monitoring and management | Risk management at the PGNiG Group |
Due diligence policies and procedures |
Due diligence policies and procedures |
GOV-2/A2 (GRI 102-15) |
Assessment of the impact of risks and ways to mitigate negative consequences | Non-financial risk monitoring and management | Risk management at the PGNiG Group |
Due diligence policies and procedures | Risk management at the PGNiG Group | ||
GOV-3/C1 (GRI 102-17) (GRI 103-2) |
Policies, codes of conduct and internal controls related to the prevention of bribery and corruption | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
Due diligence policies and procedures | Ethics | ||
GOV-3/C2 | Employee awareness programs and training | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
GOV-3/C3 (GRI 103-2) |
Business partners’ anti-corruption policies and due diligence procedures, including suppliers and subcontractors | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
Climate change and energy | |||
CCE-1/C1 | The approach to managing climate issues, identified opportunities and responsibility for the processes implemented | Climate initiatives | Introduction |
CCE-1/C4 | The relationship between the anticipated future energy demand and the entity’s climate policy and strategy | Climate initiatives | Introduction |
CCE-2/C2 | Investments and activities aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions | Climate initiatives |
Environmental projects and technologies |
CCE-3/C2 | An approach to low carbon supply and alternative energy | Climate initiatives |
Environmental projects and technologies |
CCE-3/A1 | Technological prospects for the transition to low-carbon technology | Climate initiatives | Environmental projects and technologies |
CCE-3/A3 | Involvement in external institutions or programs promoting the development and application of low-carbon technologies | Climate initiatives | Reduction of CO2 emissions |
CCE-4/C1 (GRI 305-1) |
Greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) | Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) | GHG emissions |
CCE-6/C1 (GRI 302-1) (GRI 302-2) |
Total energy consumption | Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group | Energy consumption |
CCE-6/C2 | Initiatives to improve energy efficiency | Climate initiatives | Energy efficiency |
CCE-7/C5 | Actions related to the reduction of emissions resulting from the combustion of gas flare | Climate initiatives | Reducing the volume of gas burnt off in flare stacks |
Environment | |||
ENV-4/C1 (GRI 304-2) |
Investments located near protected areas | Impact on biodiversity | Biodiversity |
ENV-5/C1 (GRI 305-7) |
Emission to the atmosphere | GHG reductions | GHG emissions |
ENV-6/C1 (GRI 306-3) |
Prevention of environmental events | Environmental events | Environmental events and penalties |
ENV-7/C3 (Company indicator 3) |
Waste generated by the organization and procedures | Waste management | Waste management |
Safety, health and security | |||
SHS-1/C2 | General approach to safety, health and security for workers | Description of the area, OHS policies and procedures applied | General HR policies and procedures |
SHS-3/C1 (Company indicator 4) |
Injuries and accidents | Number of accidents at work at the PGNiG Group | Work safety metrics |
SHS-3/C2 | Significant incidents and corrective measures taken | Description of the area, OHS policies and procedures applied | General HR policies and procedures |
SHS-3/C3 | Initiatives to improve occupational safety | OHS good practices and initiatives | General HR policies and procedures |
Social | |||
SOC-1/C1 (GRI 102-16) |
Human rights due diligence procedures | Overview of ethics aspects | Ethics |
SOC-5/C1 | Policies, programmes and procedures to promote diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination of employees | Staff recruitment and selection | Staff recruitment and selection |
SOC-5/C2 (GRI 102-8) |
Employee information and diversity | Employment | Employment |
SOC-5/C3 (GRI 405-1) |
Employee information and management structure | Employment | Employment |
SOC-6/C1 (GRI 404-3) |
Communication of results and action plans | Competence assessment | Competence assessment |
SOC-6/A1 (GRI 401-1) |
Staff turnover | Employee turnover | Employee turnover |
SOC-7/C1 | Approach to training and development | Development and training | Development and training |
SOC-7/C2 (GRI 404-1) |
Results of implemented training programmes | Number of training hours | Number of training hours |