Tables of ESG indicators

Non-financial indicators:
  • GRI 102-55

Table of non-financial indicators - GRI Standards

Indicator GRI Guidelines Position in the Report / Comments Link
General Standard Disclosure
Organizational Profile
GRI 102-1 Name of the organization PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model About PGNiG Group
GRI 102-2 Description of the organization’s activities, brands, products, and services PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model About PGNiG Group
GRI 102-3 Location of the organization’s headquarters PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model About PGNiG Group
GRI 102-4 Location of operations PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model About PGNiG Group
GRI 102-5 Nature of ownership and legal form PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model About PGNiG Group
GRI 102-6 Markets served Structure of the PGNiG Group’s operations About PGNiG Group
GRI 102-7 Scale of the organization Structure of the PGNiG Group’s operations Buisness model
GRI 102-8
Information on employees and other workers Employment Employment
GRI 102-9 The organization’s supply chain PGNiG’s and the PGNiG Group’s business model Buisness model
GRI 102-10 Significant changes to the organization’s size, structure, ownership, or supply chain in the reporting period Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-11
Whether and how the organization applies the Precautionary Principle or approach Non-financial risk monitoring and management Risk management at the PGNiG Group
Due diligence policies and procedures Ethics

Due diligence policies and procedures

General HR policies and procedures

Due diligence policies and procedures

GRI 102-12 External initiatives endorsed by the organization Organisations and associations Initiatives and membership
PGNiG Group’s sustainable development strategy CSR Strategy
GRI 102-13 Membership of associations Organisations and associations Initiatives and membership
GRI 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker Letter from the CEO Letter from the CEO
GRI 102-15
A description of key impacts and risks Risk management Risk management at the PGNiG Group
Ethics and Integrity
GRI 102-16
Values, principles, code of ethics, standards, and norms of behavior Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
Due diligence policies and procedures Ethics
GRI 102-17
Ethical standards and norms Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
Due diligence policies and procedures Ethics
GRI 102-18
Governance structure Management and supervisory bodies Management Board

Supervisory Board

GRI 102-22
Composition of the highest governance body and its committees (number and gender of members) Management and supervisory bodies Management Board

Supervisory Board

Stakeholder engagement
GRI 102-40 A list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization PGNiG Group stakeholders Our stakeholders
GRI 102-41 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements Employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement Employees covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement
GRI 102-42 Basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders PGNiG Group stakeholders Our stakeholders
GRI 102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group PGNiG Group stakeholders Our stakeholders
GRI 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders PGNiG Group stakeholders Our stakeholders
Reporting practice
GRI 102-45 Entities included in the report Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-46 Defining report content Methodology and reporting rules Information about the Report
GRI 102-47 Material topics identified in defining report content List of material topics Analysis & significance matrix
GRI 102-48 Restatements of information given in previous report Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-49 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the list of material topics and topic boundaries Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-50 Reporting period Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-51 Date of most recent report Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-52 Reporting cycle Legal basis and scope Information about the Report
GRI 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report Contact Contact
GRI 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards Methodology and reporting rules Information about the Report
GRI 102-55 GRI content index Tables of non-financial indicators (GRI Standards, IPIECA, Group’s own indicators) Tables of ESG indicators
GRI 102-56 External assurance Methodology and reporting rules Information about the Report
Management approach
GRI 103-1 Scope and materiality of defined topics Overview of environmental aspects Introduction
Overview of social aspects Introduction
Overview of employee aspects Introduction
Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
GRI 103-2
Management approach Mission and vision Mission and vision
Non-financial risk monitoring and management Risk management at the PGNiG Group
System supporting management decisions System supporting management decisions
Overview of environmental aspects Introduction
Overview of social aspects Introduction
Overview of employee aspects Introduction
Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
GRI 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach Overview of environmental aspects Introduction
Overview of social aspects Introduction
Overview of employee aspects Introduction
Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
GRI 205-1 Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption and Significant risks identified Risk of corruption Ethics
GRI 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures Anit-corruption training Ethics
GRI 205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken Corruption-related reporting Ethics
Environmental issues
GRI 301-1 Raw materials and consumables used Raw materials and consumables used Raw materials and consumables used
GRI 302-1
Energy consumption within the organisation Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group Energy consumption
GRI 302-2
Energy consumption outside of the organisation Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group Energy consumption
Company indicator 1 Water consumption Water consumption at the PGNiG Group Water consumption
GRI 304-2
Impacts on biodiversity Impact on biodiversity Biodiversity
GRI 305-1
Air emissions (scope 1) Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) GHG emissions
GRI 305-7
Air emissions GHG reduction GHG emissions
Company indicator 2 Total water discharge Total water discharge by quality and destination Sewage
Company indicator 3
Waste generated by the organisation and disposal method Waste management Waste management
GRI 306-3
Events with environmental impacts Environmental events Environmental events and penalties
GRI 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Penalties for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations Environmental events and penalties
Employee topics
Employee issues
GRI 401-1
Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region Employees turnover Employee turnover
GRI 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees, by significant locations of operation Remuneration and benefits policy Remuneration and benefits policy
GRI 401-3 Return to work and retention rates of employees that took parental leave, by gender Parental leave Parental leave
Company indicator 4
Type of injuries and rates of injuries, occupational diseases, lost days, days away from work, work-related fatalities, by region and gender Number of accidents at work at the PGNiG Group Work safety metrics
Company indicator 5 Occupational diseases Diagnosed occupational diseases Work safety metrics
Company indicator 6 OHS training and meetings OHS- related initiatives OHS-related initiatives
GRI 404-1
Average hours of training per year per employee by gender and by employee category Number of training hours Number of training hours
GRI 404-2 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings Management and succession programmes Management and succession programmes
GRI 404-3
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category Performance assessment Competence assessment

Performance assessment

Human rights
GRI 405-1
Diversity of governance bodies and employees Employment Employment
GRI 406-1 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken Total number of incidents of discrimination Ethics
GRI 412-2 Employee training in human rights policies or procedures Human rights training Ethics
Social issues
Company indicator 7 Number of beneficiaries of social programmes Selected social performance indicators Number of social projects and their beneficiaries
Company indicator 8 Number of supported initiatives and events Selected social performance indicators Number of social projects and their beneficiaries

Table of non-financial indicators - IPIECA

Indicator Guidelines Position in the Report / Comments Link
Ethics and management
(GRI 102-18)
Governance architecture, including the role of the board, board committees, board diversity, executives, managers, the workforce and stakeholders Management and supervisory bodies Management Board

Supervisory Board

(GRI 102-22)
Composition of the board and executive team, including selection processes, areas of expertise, diversity and length of terms Management and supervisory bodies Management Board

Supervisory Board

Kode of conduct, values and principles and how they relate to sustainability Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
(GRI 102-15)
The way in which the board reviews sustainability issues, including risks and opportunities, supported by examples of their work in action Non-financial risk monitoring and management Risk management at the PGNiG Group
(GRI 102-17)
Corporate policies that address sustainability issues Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
Due diligence policies and procedures Ethics
GOV-1/A7 Training and other processes that inform your workforce about your code of conduct requirements or equivalent rules related to business ethics and behaviour Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
(GRI 102-11)
Management of sustainable development issues, including ethics and compliance Non-financial risk monitoring and management Risk management at the PGNiG Group
Due diligence policies and procedures Ethics

Due diligence policies and procedures

General HR policies and procedures

Due diligence policies and procedures

(GRI 102-15)
Assessment of the impact of risks and ways to mitigate negative consequences Non-financial risk monitoring and management Risk management at the PGNiG Group
Due diligence policies and procedures Risk management at the PGNiG Group
(GRI 102-17)
(GRI 103-2)
Policies, codes of conduct and internal controls related to the prevention of bribery and corruption Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
Due diligence policies and procedures Ethics
GOV-3/C2 Employee awareness programs and training Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
(GRI 103-2)
Business partners’ anti-corruption policies and due diligence procedures, including suppliers and subcontractors Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
Climate change and energy
CCE-1/C1 The approach to managing climate issues, identified opportunities and responsibility for the processes implemented Climate initiatives Introduction
CCE-1/C4 The relationship between the anticipated future energy demand and the entity’s climate policy and strategy Climate initiatives Introduction

Environmental projects and technologies

CCE-2/C2 Investments and activities aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions Climate initiatives Introduction

Environmental projects and technologies

Energy efficiency

Development of hydrogen technologies

Reduction of CO2 emissions

CCE-3/C2 An approach to low carbon supply and alternative energy Climate initiatives Introduction

Environmental projects and technologies

Development of hydrogen technologies

Reduction of CO2 emissions

CCE-3/A1 Technological prospects for the transition to low-carbon technology Climate initiatives Environmental projects and technologies

Development of hydrogen technologies

Reduction of CO2 emissions

CCE-3/A3 Involvement in external institutions or programs promoting the development and application of low-carbon technologies Climate initiatives Reduction of CO2 emissions
(GRI 305-1)
Greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) GHG emissions
(GRI 302-1)
(GRI 302-2)
Total energy consumption Energy consumption at the PGNiG Group Energy consumption
CCE-6/C2 Initiatives to improve energy efficiency Climate initiatives Energy efficiency
CCE-7/C5 Actions related to the reduction of emissions resulting from the combustion of gas flare Climate initiatives Reducing the volume of gas burnt off in flare stacks
(GRI 304-2)
Investments located near protected areas Impact on biodiversity Biodiversity
(GRI 305-7)
Emission to the atmosphere GHG reductions GHG emissions
(GRI 306-3)
Prevention of environmental events Environmental events Environmental events and penalties
(Company indicator 3)
Waste generated by the organization and procedures Waste management Waste management
Safety, health and security
SHS-1/C2 General approach to safety, health and security for workers Description of the area, OHS policies and procedures applied General HR policies and procedures
(Company indicator 4)
Injuries and accidents Number of accidents at work at the PGNiG Group Work safety metrics
SHS-3/C2 Significant incidents and corrective measures taken Description of the area, OHS policies and procedures applied General HR policies and procedures
SHS-3/C3 Initiatives to improve occupational safety OHS good practices and initiatives General HR policies and procedures
(GRI 102-16)
Human rights due diligence procedures Overview of ethics aspects Ethics
SOC-5/C1 Policies, programmes and procedures to promote diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination of employees Staff recruitment and selection Staff recruitment and selection
(GRI 102-8)
Employee information and diversity Employment Employment
(GRI 405-1)
Employee information and management structure Employment Employment
(GRI 404-3)
Communication of results and action plans Competence assessment Competence assessment

Performance assessment

(GRI 401-1)
Staff turnover Employee turnover Employee turnover
SOC-7/C1 Approach to training and development Development and training Development and training
(GRI 404-1)
Results of implemented training programmes Number of training hours Number of training hours

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