Due diligence policies and procedures

Non-financial indicators:

Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development initiatives are taken on the basis of the PGNiG Group Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017–2022, which supports and supplements the business objectives defined in the PGNiG Group Strategy for 2017–2022, taking into account the key areas of society, environment and economy, as well as the growth direction envisaged in the PGNiG Group’s mission and vision.

  • GRI 102-11
  • GOV-2/A1

PGNiG’s mission statement underscores the Company’s responsibility for ensuring Poland’s energy security and focus on both retail and corporate customers with their different needs.

Listed below are internal regulations defining the framework for corporate social responsibility activities of PGNIG, the PGNiG Group and the PGNiG Foundation:

  • The PGNiG Group’s Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017–2022, described in Section 3 of this Report; some entities have their own strategies based on the Group’s Strategy, e.g. Polska Spółka Gazownictwa’s CSR Policy for 2019–2020.
  • Sponsorship rules for the PGNiG Group providing guidelines on transparent conduct of sponsorship (partnership) activities under dedicated projects consistent with the Group companies’ business profiles.
  • PGNiG S.A. donation rules governing the manner and scope of donations made by the Company.
  • PGNiG Foundation donation rules providing a framework for awarding funding by the Foundation.
  • Internal sponsorship and donation regulations implemented by Group companies, which incorporate PGNiG’s regulations, e.g.:
    • the Rules governing donations made by GSP to various entities, particularly those operating in the municipalities and counties where underground gas storage facilities are located;
    • Rules of Sponsorship and Donation Rules of Polska Spółka Gazownictwa.
  • PGNiG Group’s Ethical Standards Code, the principles of which are in some cases the basis for the separate Code of Ethics adopted by a given entity, as in the case of the Code of Ethics adopted by Polska Spółka Gazownictwa.
  • Code of Responsible Development of Natural Gas and Crude Oil for Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA.

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