7.1.3 Items of income and expenses related to financial assets and liabilities

Item of statement of profit or loss and statement of comprehensive income Item referenced in Note / additional explanations Note 2020 2019
Loans, receivables and liabilities at amortised cost Derivative financial instruments not designated for hedge accounting Derivative financial instruments designated for cash flow hedge accounting Loans, receivables and liabilities at amortised cost Derivative financial instruments not designated for hedge accounting Derivative financial instruments designated for cash flow hedge accounting
Effect on statement of profit or loss
Net finance costs Interest on debt Note 3.4. 7 (41)
Foreign exchange differences Note 3.4. (6) 15
Measurement and exercise of derivative financial instruments not designated for hedge accounting Note 3.4. 12 -7
Other income and expenses Foreign exchange differences Note 3.3. 68 (9)
Impairment losses Note 3.3. (54) 42
Measurement and exercise of derivative financial instruments not designated for hedge accounting Note 3.3. 202 239
Revenue by product Adjustment to gas sales due to hedging transactions Note 3.1. 1,062 570
Raw materials and consumables used Cost of transactions hedging gas prices Note 3.2. 1
15 214 1,062 7 232 571
Effect on other comprehensive income
Gains/(losses) on measurement of derivative instruments designated for cash flow hedge accounting (effective portion) (155) 1,490
Reclassification of derivative instruments measurement to profit or loss upon exercise (cash flow hedges) (1,062) (571)
(1,217) 919
Effect on comprehensive income 15 214 (155) 7 232 1,490
Change in equity recognised in gross inventories 285 (96)

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