Intangible assets
The Group identifies the following main categories of intangible assets:
- Software,
- CO2 emission allowances,
- Licences obtained under the Polish Geological and Mining Law, mining rights and geological information (“Licences”).
CO2 emission allowances
Pursuant to the Act on Trading in Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances, the Group holds CO2 emission allowances allocated for individual installations.
The Group classifies emission allowances as:
- Acquired for redemption – recognised as intangible assets and measured in accordance with the policies discussed below,
- Acquired for resale – recognised as inventory (Note 6.2.1.) and measured initially at cost; at the end of each reporting period they are measured at the lower of cost or net realisable value,
- Received free of charge under the National Allocation Plan – recognised as off-balance-sheet items at nominal value (equal to zero).
Licences, mining rights and rights to geological information
In its exploration and production operations, the Group uses licences for exploration, appraisal and production of natural gas and/or crude oil granted under the Polish Geological and Mining Law. The Group also uses mining rights and rights to geological information.
Costs of licences for exploration for and production of natural gas and/or crude oil and charges for the grant of mining rights payable to the State Treasury are disclosed as capitalised expenditure.
The Group initially recognises intangible assets at cost. In the case of granted mining rights, the initial value is equal to the charges paid to the State Treasury for the grant of the mining rights.
Subsequent to initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment (for accounting policies relating to impairment, see Note 6.1.3.).
Intangible assets are amortised using the straight-line method based on amortisation rates that reflect the expected useful lives of the assets. Acquired CO2 emission allowances are amortised depending on the actual emission volumes.