4.1.2 Deferred tax expense

Jan 1 2019 Effect of amended IFRS 9 Net profit/(loss) Other comprehensive income Other changes recognised in equity Currency translation differences Pozostałe zmiany Dec 31 2019 Effect of amended IFRS 9 Net profit/(loss) Other comprehensive income Other changes recognised in equity Currency translation differences Dec 31 2020
Deferred tax assets
Employee benefit obligations 149 10 5 164 17 10 191
Provision for well decommissioning costs 177 21 198 52 250
Other provisions 54 (5) 13 1 1 64 39 3 (9) 97
Measurement of derivative instruments 210 31 (1) 240 62 9 311
Impairment of property, plant and equipment 110 (2) 108 70 178
Tax loss 68 (16) 52 (11) 41
Other 162 87 249 (74) 175
Total 930 (5) 144 6 1,075 155 13 1,243
Deferred tax liabilities
Difference between tax and accounting value of non-current assets 1,924 24 52 1 2,001 (32) 7 1,976
Measurement of derivative financial instruments 230 127 175 (19) (1) 512 (12) (231) 54 10 333
Other 748 167 (1) (1) 913 188 19 1,120
Total 2,902 24 346 175 (19) (1) (1) 3,426 144 (231) 54 36 3,429
Set-off of assets and liabilities (836) (1,043) (1,201)
After set-off
Assets 94 144 32 155 42
Liabilities 2,066 346 2,383 144 2,228
Net effect of changes in the period (29) (202) (169) 19 1 1 11 244 (54) (36)

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