Company name Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo Spółka Akcyjna
Address of registered office ul. Marcina Kasprzaka 25, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland
Court of registration District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, Poland
KRS 0000059492
Industry Identification Number (REGON) 012216736
Tax Identification Number (NIP) 525-000-80-28
Principal place of business Poland


Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo Spółka Akcyjna is the parent (“PGNiG S.A.”, “Company”, “Parent”) of the PGNiG Group (“PGNiG Group”, “Group”). PGNiG is a joint-stock company, the company’s shares are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“WSE”). In the reporting period, there were no changes in the entity’s name or other identification details.

As at the date of issue of these consolidated financial statements for 2020, the State Treasury, represented by the minister competent for energy matters, was the only shareholder holding 5% or more of total voting rights in PGNiG S.A. As at December 31st 2020, there was no parent of the PGNiG Group that would prepare publicly available consolidated financial statements (nor the ultimate parent that would prepare such statements).

The PGNiG Group plays a key role in the Polish gas sector. It is responsible for national energy security, ensuring diversification of gas supplies by developing domestic deposits and sourcing gas from abroad. The Group’s principal business comprises exploration for and production of natural gas and crude oil, as well as import, storage, distribution and sale of gas and liquid fuels, as well as heat and electricity generation and sale.

The PGNiG Group is a market leader in many areas of its business. In Poland, the Group is the largest importer of gas fuel (mainly from Russia and Germany), the main producer of natural gas from Polish deposits, and a significant producer of heat and electricity in Poland. The Group’s upstream business is one of the key factors ensuring PGNiG’s competitive position on the Polish gas market.

For further information on the Group’s operating segments and consolidated entities, see Note 2.

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